Wreak Havoc Film Festival

An international festival showcasing genre shorts and feature films.

Our Festival judges 

Sammie Cassell, Festival Co-Director - is the Vice President of Wreak Havoc Productions, LLC, and the subject of the documentary Sammie the Comic Book Man.  Sammie is a featured player at the Original Hollywood Horror Show in Snow Camp, NC.  Sammie is the co-host of the Wreak Havoc Film Buffs Podcast.  Sammie is also a Producer of the horror shorts Countdown to Midnight and Uncle Otto’s Truck.

 Jeffrey Cochran - Festival Co-Director - is a returning judge to the festival.  Jeff is the owner of A Darker World Productions and an accomplished author.  Jeff was a Producer of the horror shorts Midnight Shift and Countdown to Midnight is the writer and producer of the true crime documentary Trouble Will Cause.  Jeff is also the writer of The Carolina Haints Podcast.


Jacob Allen, Festival Judge - is a returning judge to the festival and has worked with the Original Hollywood Horror Show for nearly a decade. Jacob has also worked with Atlantic & Pacific Pictures on numerous projects including Dark Awakening. Jacob was the writer and director of the Wreak Havoc Horror Film Festival’s teaser commercial. Jacob is also an Associate Producer of Sammie the Comic Book Man.  Jacob is also a Producer of the horror short Countdown to Midnight.


Chad Hunt, Festival Judge - is a returning judge with the festival.  Chad is a frequent contributor to Gruesome Magazine, Horror News Radio and he co-hosts the Decades of Horror: The Classic Era podcast.  Chad is also an accomplished comic book artist and inker and is featured in Sammie the Comic Book Man.  Chad is also a Producer on the horror short Countdown to Midnight.


Joseph Perry - Festival Judge - is a returning judge to the festival.  Joseph is a contributing writer to numerous horror magazines and publications including Gruesome Magazine and co-hosts the Decades of Horror: The Classic Era podcast.

Stephanie Griffin - Festival Judge - is a returning judge and has been a fan of horror since middle school when her mother, unaware of the monster she was creating, gave her the complete works of Edgar Allen Poe. She deals with real life horror tales in her day job as the business manager of a Greensboro family law firm.

Dan Sellers, Founder and Festival Judge - is the President of Wreak Havoc Productions, LLC, a small film production company in Greensboro, NC. Dan is the writer, producer and director of the feature film horror-comedy Hank vs. The Undead, as well as the short films Midnight Shift and Trouble Will Cause. Dan is currently in various stages of production on several projects including shorts and feature films.  Dan is the Producer and Host of The Carolina Haints Podcast and the Writer/Producer/Director of the horror short Uncle Otto’s Truck.